Lucie Bartošová

Jiří Mošna, MSc., MBA, CLP, RTTP

Centre for Transfer of Biomedical Technologies Specialist

Centre for Transfer of Biomedical Technologies (CTBT) was established from scratch in 2012 and Jiří was hired to set up all processes for this brand new joint TTO serving three research institutions (University Hradec Králové – UHK, University Hospital Hradec Králové – UH HK, Faculty of Military Health Sciences of University of Defense – FMHS). CTBT is mostly active in the field of medical devices, medical tools, diagnostics, e-Health, tele-medicine and biomedicals and therefore covers typically not only inventions and other technical solutions but as well software (copyrights) and trade secrets – algorithms, methods and professional services/contracted research tasks in its commercialization efforts and strategies. In 2015 CTBT employees restructured the TTO functions and Jiří moved to the position of Technology transfer specialist for medical technologies, ICT and electronics. The system of processing ideas – technologies – projects on additional developments/tests – marketing technologies – licensing – exploitation of licenses in CTBT is that each specialist manages dedicated technology from the beginning to the end, specialists do not have part-of-a-process roles but we apply area-of-science focus. They all do hold professional domain/training expertise consultations among CTBT employees and scouts – in this regard Jiří specialize on ICT, modern (electronic) technologies, SW/HW, license drafting and business rationale of a license and smart money headhunting. He is complemented by his colleagues with Medical Doctor/Clinical trials background and Pharmacist/Chemist background.

CTBT consists of three full time employees – three specialists and we use services of grants and subventions managers, internal lawyers and contracted attorneys. In a nutshell, his role now is managing the whole process from research idea to licensing exploitation - identifying promising and practically useful ideas/research results, screening, assessing and projecting possible utilisation and finding means to improve value of the technology/innovation for the potential industrial users, managing proof of idea, proof of market, proof of concept projects, searching and contacting potential users, investors, negotiating with researchers, managers, potential licensees, creating and negotiating term sheet, license agreement, contracting and employing expert support services (eg. patent attorneys, lawyers), managing technology and licensing files and keeping eye on exploitation, payments, negotiating amendments etc.

Jiří went through many tech-transfer related trainings, seminars, conferences as you can see on his LinkedIn CV, where you can also view his professional history and professional trainings. He has passed numerous trainings by AUTM and ASTP-Proton receiving 96 ATTP recognized CE points. 

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact Jiří directly weather on e-mail: or phone +420 727 802 314 / +420 495 832 924.

Mobirise Website Builder

RTTP Certificate

Mobirise Website Builder

CLP Certificate

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